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Guiding a Patient from Pain into Posture and Organs on Day #1


Fred DiDomenico, DC

Practice Coach and Mentor


Until you have a system that can effectively teach your patients they are coming to you for full spine postural correction to improve overall health, the majority of your new patients come into your office for only pain relief. Spinal corrective techniques are only as effective as your retention. When a patient’s goal is merely pain relief they will not stay long enough for corrective techniques to work. Therefore, your technique is only as effective as your communication.

“Since working with Elite, we have instilled a thorough understanding into our patients that their postural abnormalities are more detrimental than just pain. Now our patients understand their postural abnormalities are affecting their nervous system, diminishing their overall health and decreasing their energy needed to accomplish their lifetime goals. Because of their new heightened understanding our volume has increased 20% and our income has increased $50K per MONTH!” Dr. Sandy Haas

We all know the spine functions as one unit. A problem in one area will affect all areas of the spine. For instance, it has been well documented that one of the most common causes of low back pain is a loss of cervical curve with a forward head posture. It is also well documented that abnormal posture and loss of curves, even forward head posture, causes many disease processes in the body. In Elite Coaching, the only true coaching system built around spinal rehabilitative techniques, we feel it is our responsibility to teach doctors the most effective communication tools to inspire a patient to pay for and perform EVERY step of a spinal rehabilitative program to improve their whole posture and overall health.

New Patient Tour of the Rehab area:

As you are escorting the new patient back to the exam room, your rehab C.A. gives them a unique, inspirational tour of the rehab area. There are scripted one-line inspirational benefits of each piece of rehab equipment that will teach your NP the uniqueness of your office, show them you help many people with conditions like theirs, build their confidence and trust as well as peak their interest in your clinic and services. At the finish of this tour the NP will already know you are different from anyone before you and have far greater value for your care.

“The New Patient Tour, as taught by Elite Coaching, has made the education of our patients so effective they understand why they need our office before they even meet the doctor! We have seen more referrals and increased collections as a result of the superior education that begins with the tour.” Dr. Sandy Haas


In 3 minutes you shift you NP from pain into posture. The scripts are designed to have the patient verbally agree o you that pain comes and goes, their posture is the bigger problem that can affect their organs and overall health. Organs and overall health are a MUCH BIGGER emotional priority over pain. You can shift their perspective in the first 3 minutes.

Prior to Elite Coaching I sold and defended Chiropractic. Meeting Dr. Fred and applying Elite Coaching systems has shifted me from the ‘sales’ perspective to a ‘coaching perspective. Helping coach patients beyond a pain focus to a postural and health focus makes practice more enjoyable. It allows me to truly provide long term spine and corrective care.” Dr. Brian Paris


After the pain to posture/organ Pre-Consultation we begin the 4 Step Consultation. It is in the consultation the patient will tell you, “I have more problems than I thought,” and “ I didn’t know my posture was affecting my health in so many different ways.” It is in this part of Day #1 that the NP will see that their pain is just a small sliver of the pie of their overall health. When performed in the systematic way it is taught, you will find their emotional reason to commit to a full corrective program for a reason MUCH BIGGER than their pain.

“It’s extremely exciting to watch the light bulbs in our new patient’s eyes when they make the connection between their posture and their health in the consultation.” Dr. David Rowe


The Exam physically proves the consultation by revealing how their posture may be causing their health problems. The exam is a kinesthetic experience that turns facts into an emotional impression. They will FEEL their postural injuries and distortions and know with confidence that:

  1. you know where their problem is;
  2. you can provide a solution to their frustrations with their chronic health problems that no one has been able to show them or help them within the past. You will know how to create high value with high confidence.

“Since I’ve been in Elite, I have literally been able to transform my patient’s awareness of how their posture affects their organs and their overall health. Now I just coach my patients in reaching their health goals.” Dr. T. Bryant

These are some of the Day #1 steps, when performed properly, as trained in Elite Coaching, will produce high quality posture/organ thought based patients that pick you as their doctor from the beginning of their Day #1 experience. You will separate yourself from any other doctor and will deliver what they truly desire that no other doctor has shown them, better health with the most valuable system of health care on the planet, true spinal corrective care.

“Elite Coaching systems have taken me from a place of underselling chiropractic care into confidence with spinal correction, powerful communication teaching patients about posture and their overall health and maximizing the value and their emotional commitment to care. We have increased collections from $35K per month to over $100K per month consistently.” Dr. Josh Purcell


If you would like to learn how to switch your patients from pain into posture, organs and overall health in your practice, please call Dr. Fred DiDomenico personally at 253-851-8353. Please visit our website at www.elitecoachingllc.com

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