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URGENT ACTION REQUIRED! CCE Attempting to Re-Invent the Standards for Chiropractic Institutions & Doctors

Dear Colleagues, Chiropractors, Friends:

Please read, I know its long but you need to know-----

The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) is attempting to dramatically revise the profession by creating new standards for chiropractic institutions; these will fundamentally alter the focus of chiropractic education by the proposed removal of virtually every chiropractic-specific definition and requirement. While there are many issues that concern us, there are four key changes we strongly believe must be reversed.  Those are:

1.       A proposal to expand the degree programs accredited by the CCE beyond the D.C. degree to “equivalent” degree offerings.

2.       The elimination of any and all references to the concept of subluxation, vertebral subluxation or vertebral subluxation complex.

3.       The elimination of the section addressing the “Purpose of Chiropractic Education” which includes the references to the profession being oriented toward health care “without the use of drugs and surgery.”

4.       The modification of the term and definition of “Chiropractic primary care physician.”

If these new CCE proposed standards, which are scheduled to take effect in 2012, are adopted without alteration, an objective observer without foreknowledge that these are the standards of a “chiropractic” accreditation body, would not be able to distinguish what profession the standards are for. Nowhere do the proposed Standards define chiropractic. They could be for nursing, dental, physical therapy or even medical education. This would represent a major step backwards for the chiropractic profession and open the door for a dramatic re-direction of chiropractic in a medical direction.

Furthermore, Dr. Gerry Clum (President of Life Chiropractic College West) has succinctly summarized the CCE proposal in the following clipping from his positional paper found at http://www.lifewest.edu/ccerevisions.shtml
“The items in the new CCE revision indicate an attempt to move the Chiropractic profession:
a. Toward the Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine perspective
b. Away from the use of the term subluxation
c. Toward the inclusion of drug therapy
d. Away from being a drugless discipline
e. Toward a generalized common definition of primary care as used in primary medicine.
f. Away from any definition of chiropractic and what a chiropractor does.”

Click here to view the full text of the latest version of the proposed CCE Standards online:

 CCE is accepting comments from the field and you have a personal opportunity to make your voice heard on these critical changes.  CCE has provided a format through which to submit your comments via fax. 

Click here to print out a faxable comment form:


ICA and CBP will be submitting formal comments according to the procedures established by CCE. ICA has also encouraged other national, state and local chiropractic organizations as well individual DCs, students and concerned individuals to carefully consider the potential negative consequences of the proposed changes and to express their feelings and concerns through those same channels.

 It is vitally important that you carefully follow the instructions for comments provided by CCE in order to make certain that your thoughts and concerns are received and taken into consideration. Once you have completed your comments form, again following the exact instructions, forward it to CCE by fax:

The Council on Chiropractic Education
Attn: CCE President

 8049 N. 85thWay
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Fax: (480) 483-7333 or Email: cce@cce-usa.org

 The deadline for receiving your comments is close of business September 24th.

ICA and CBP Researchers have developed model comments you may review for ideas and concepts on which to build your personal comments.  Please click here to view these model comments:


 Then use the faxable comment form to submit you feedback to CCE.---See bottom of this message below my name to see an easy example of how to fill out this form:


The four key issues ICA and CBP has identified in its model comments, when viewed as a group in context and in light of the circumstances of the profession in 2010, become more important than each item when considered individually. They represent an erosion of the core contributions to health care that the profession provides and they serve to promote a loss of professional identity and emphasis critical to our future and that of the students being educated. There is a lot at stake in these proposed changes and responsible action to defend the vital center of the chiropractic educational process is ICA’s and CBP’s top priority. We know it is the right thing to do. Remember, the deadline for submitting your comments is September 24, 2010 so ACT TODAY!

Yours in Chiropractic,

Deed E. Harrison, DC

 President CBP Technique and Seminars

On Behalf of:

Gary L. Walsemann, DC, FICA
ICA President

Joe Betz, DC

ICA Board Member

Here is the easiest way to fill out the attached CCE form

Field 1)  Please indicate you are a FIELD PRACTITIONER (DC)
Field 2)  You can LEAVE BLANK
Field 3)  Add your own general comments (see points a-f from Dr. Clum's clip above)...be specific and clear
Field 4) You can LEAVE BLANK
Field 5)  Add your personal information

SAMPLE  Text for Field 3:
I oppose the changes to the Standards For Doctor of Chiropractic programs as it attempts to move the profession: 1) Toward the Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine perspective; 2) Away from the any use of the term subluxation; 3) Toward the inclusion of drug therapy; 4) Away from a drugless discipline; 5) Towards a generalized common definition of primary care as used in primary care medicine; 6) Away from any definition of chiropractic or what a chiropractor does.”


Dr. John Jones

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