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Second Class Doctor

R.J. Hammett, DC

Do you have this syndrome? Do you consider yourself a second class doctor as compared to a medical physician, a dentist, or a podiatrist? Do you feel less when a patient talks about their medical care? If you have even a slight disregard of chiropractic, you have a second class doctor mental state… Don’t!

While it is true that medical life saving care is wonderful, it is not a Health profession. It is a profession based upon many scientific inaccuracies, many money oriented individuals, and power hungry ego’s whose last thought is health of the patients. Recently, I had the opportunity to first hand witness several consultations with a stroke patient. I witnessed a Neurologist, Speech Pathologist, General Practioner, Physical Therapist, an O.T. and a parade of other consultants with this stroke patient. They not knowing who I was (only a chiropractor) went on with their normal business of patient care. Curiously, they all started and ended the same. Mr. Patient, you have had a slight stroke we don’t know why, we are going to do more test, prescribe some medications and then we’ll see what happens. All of these professionals had almost the same “pat” statements, approaches and answers. Watching the patient in total bewilderment was heart breaking for me. Nowhere was an action plan, a solid course of care explanation or recommendation to this patient.

What needed to be done? Just we’ll see. For those of you secretly aspiring to gain the respect as a medical physician has or mimic them by wearing scrubs to your clinic while walking around with a stethoscope around their neck. Wake up!! Chiropractic is so much more then this side show of health care called medicine. You want to ape the M.D. and P.T.? Why?

Medical care cannot hold a candles flame to the power of a correctly preformed spinal adjustment, that’s right an adjustment, not a manipulation. If you think I’m ranting and raving, go spend some serious time with these “real” doctors, really learn what it is really all about. To end this, I say “quit trying” to be an accepted member of the medical community, this is not chiropractic, be different, show the world that your spinal adjustment is more powerful than any drug, or any surgery, and quit being afraid.

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