#1 Biggest Mistake in Patient Management: “MAKING STATEMENTS AND NOT ASKING QUESTIONS.”

Fred DiDomenico, DC
Practice Coach and Mentor
Almost ALL new patients come into our clinics with a pain relief intention and perspective. As corrective care chiropractors, our core value in practice is to influence their thinking and inspire them to desire life changing spinal corrective programs so they may live up to their full potential in life without the progressive, degenerative health conditions resulting from a subluxated posture. Our challenge is we figuratively and literally have 5 minutes on Day #1 to make a powerful impression that can shift their perspective and captivate their attention so we can inspire their INTENTION. In order to fulfill this purpose we MUST create a shift in our communication from making statements to asking questions so the patient does not reabsorb themselves back into their fast paced, subluxated life after leaving our office. This is a great responsibility, not to be taken lightly, and is a much greater responsibility than the average doctor treating for pain relief. In fact, it is our calling.
In order to create accelerated influence, we must change from teaching information on subluxation, to asking questions guiding the patient through their own thought process, revealing their emotional impression while increasing their understanding of the effect a subluxated posture is having on the most important aspect of their lives. Questions create influence because they bring a person through their own thought process that helps them derive their own conclusions. When they answer, “yes,” to a question that brings them into agreement with the truths and principles of a subluxated posture and the effects it is having on their body, you have just accelerated their learning rate, created more impression which has allowed them to make your care THEIR IDEA. “When They say it, they believe it.”
When you make statements, they feel they MUST conform to your idea, which they may not agree with. As you all may have experienced, they don’t always agree with you and/or your ideas. When they don’t agree you will hear, “I want to get another opinion,” “I don’t have time,” “I can’t afford it right now,” etc.
Their answers to your carefully and intentionally directed questions confirm in their mind they are speaking truth. When your question directly applies to their individual emotional condition weakening their life and emotional priorities, they will take action NOW, almost the moment they answer your question because it is THEIR DECISION.
Your job is to recognize their objection, handle it directly with a question that brings them closer to the thought process you are attempting to teach and inspire. You can create a question that shifts their thoughts and brings new understanding in one sentence from you, and a one word answer by them. Your ability to influence their decisions and behavior now instills self empowerment. This is coaching. Elite Coaching is a “coaching” system and is HIGLY EFFECTIVE for spinal rehab practices.
Our responsibility is to empower patients to take responsibility for their lives and their condition. When they derive conclusions regarding their life and health from the energy of empowerment, they are inspired to go above and beyond their normal efforts to become or do something that may be atypical of previous behavior with any other doctor or chiropractor. Empowering patients to complete a spinal rehabilitative program will require energy and effort that many have not exhibited in their past. To reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through spinal correction, they must dig deep inside themselves with unbridled inspiration. All of us have that inspiration innately inside us. Many have not taken the opportunities in life to unleash their deepest passions. We have that responsibility to help each person find that which may have remained dormant and bring out their divine inspiration to reach and be their best. As corrective care chiropractors, we can help them achieve this level of inspiration. In fact, it is our responsibility, purpose and mission.
Inspire EVERY patient to be their best. Help them find their own individual emotional commitment for a healthy life through spinal correction by asking them specific questions taking them through the thought process and accelerate their understanding and inspiration to be their best.
“I had a new patient come to me from another chiropractor around the corner who recommended a program for 70 visits for $1700.00 for corrective care. He left his office rejecting his care. After taking him through the Elite Coaching communication systems and learning how to ask the right questions, he payed me $5000.00 for 41 visits. The patient told me he trusted me more as he wrote the check. Most importantly, I know we will correct his spine.”
Dr. A. G., Miami FL.