CT Chiropractors "Say No" To Drugs
George B. Curry DC, DACS,FICA,LCP(hon)
Chairman CCC
ICA Northeast Regional Director
Private practice Windsor, CT 28 years
A recent Internet poll utilizing Survey Monkey TM, sponsored by the Connecticut Chiropractic Council revealed that 82.5% of the respondents indicated that they are against the expansion of Chiropractic in CT to allow prescription drugs, 8.8% were in favor and 8.6% were not sure.
"The issue of practice scope expansion to include pharmaceuticals” has created a firestorm of controversy and I'm happy to see that the majority of our respondents want to keep Chiropractic a "drug-free profession" commented Dr. George Curry the CCC chairman of the board.
The sixteen question survey was sent to 300 licensed CT Chiropractors as part of the online poll.