Cheapening of Chiropractic

Randall Hammett, DC
Private Practice of Chiropractic
Its funny how in tough financial times, especially for healthcare professionals, dermatologists are opening medical spas, orthopedic surgeons are opening exercise and PT clinics and chiropractors are adding all types of non-chiropractic services to make a living. In 33 years of practice I have experienced three large economic downturns in the United States, during this economic upset I have watched chiropractors and other professionals make strange choices in increasing their incomes. Recently a chiropractor was sentenced for importing and prescribing HCG for his patient’s weight loss scheme. Another is sentenced for billing services without rendering them, and another is sentenced for practicing outside his limitations. Another chiropractor is offering $10 adjustments as a spinal screening, no examination or x-rays needed. On and on it goes with the unusual solutions to financial woes.
Unfortunately, chiropractors for far too long have been potty trained by the insurance industry, the government and the public on what their care is essentially worth. We been told by PPO’s that we are worth a certain amount and we become to believe this as a fact... Medicare tells us that an adjustment is worth a certain amount of money and we begin to believe that also. The poor mentality permeates the profession like the black plaque in Europe did. On a daily basis chiropractors ask themselves, what will the government think? The board? The PPO? In fact many chiropractors spend much time thinking about what others think, they forget to think about themselves and that my fellow chiropractors is death in your practice.
Chiropractic consultants around the country profess that they have your answers. Really then why are they not in practice full-time earning a living that they profess they’re going to teach you? The general wonder if BJ Palmer or Clarence Gonstead had a practice management consultant. Doubtfully. What they did have was an innate sense of what public needed and wanted and provided that to them in an expert, economical manner.
First, the insurance war is over, we lost! You get the crumbs of third-party reimbursement and nothing more. Second, the good news is you’re still in charge of your own business or practice to a certain extent. Success in your practice is still about you and what you care about. Face facts, it was you who sat through all the thousands of hours of schooling, sat through state and national boards in humiliation. It was you who tried to make every detail of your office patient friendly and economical. It was you who looked over everything so that you could improve your family’s lifestyle. It was your ability to help others achieve health and mastering that alone improved and increased your practice volume. Think about this as your true worth from your lifesaving, life improving spinal adjustment worth $18.75? Is it worth charging $10 a spinal screening special? Think! Gee have a brain. What is your time and talent worth in your community?
The cheapening of chiropractic starts on the inside of each of you, just as the answers are inside of each of you. The coming of national health insurance, ever limited third-party coverage should paint a picture of what you’re doing right now with your practice and your mindset as far as the finances of your practice. Place your focus solely on the best patient care you can provide as well as charging correctly for the services that you provide and you will survive, step out of these bounds and you will parish. Till next time.
Till next time,