The Link Aborted Fetuses Have to Autism

Thomas D. Pound, M.Ed.
Jennifer Brandon, DC
In Vermont, Seth Mnookin recently discussed his recent work, “The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine,”7 a book that concludes that the fear of vaccines is based primarily on myths. With several of their officers, past and present, in attendance, Vermont’s Department of Health sponsored the talk. Mnookin’s logic follows the standard party line of the pharmaceutical industry; scientists, such as Andrew Wakefield, who lack any level of ethos, create the fear with false claims and biased research. Influential advocates and celebrities, including Jenny McCarthy, then exacerbate the fear. Mnookin’s bottom line? Vaccines are beneficial.
On this particular evening, Mnookin did allow for a question and answer session. Anecdotally, it appeared that out of the approximately 50 in attendance, only two were anti-vaccine. Dr. Erin Sepic, a well-versed chiropractor from Richmond, questioned Mnookin’s claims that thimerosal was no longer a continuing factor as a risk effect of vaccines. As it relates to autism, Mnookin’s answer during the talk was consistent with his position in his book where he writes about the “relative harmlessness”7 of the compound.
Mnookin was then asked about recent studies indicating that the use of cells from aborted fetuses in the development of vaccines maybe accelerating the rate of autism. He answered that he had not heard of that theory. What is shocking is Mnookin’s lack of knowledge about an issue that is potentially bigger than the thimerosal controversy, because it has already reached the EPA and The Vatican. It is alarming, because this is an issue where warnings were issued decades ago, and it is believed here that this will be the explanation for the rise in the numbers of autistic children.
It is important to provide background. Leonard Hayflick and his Wistar Institute developed a line of cells from an unborn fetus labeled WI-38.3 Additional fetal lines were also developed later4 for the purposes of developing vaccines for 31 separate viruses including those more familiar to the public such as measles, polio, varicella, rabies, herpes simples, and influenza.3 Currently vaccines for rubella, hepatitis A, and varicella were developed using the WI-38 fetal line.8 The MMR-II (introduced in 1989), the Varivax vaccine (introduced in 1995), and the VAQTA vaccine (introduced in 2002) all use the WI-38 fetal line for their respective virus propagation.11
It should not be surprising that those who are against abortion have already spoken out against these vaccines; even The Vatican issued a ruling on the matter.9 Previously, warnings about the use of fetal cells were theorized by no less an authority than Kevin McCarthy, the developer of the measles vaccine, when he stated one of two things he worried about “…in regard to WI-38 cell substrate,” and highlighting, “…the possibility of there being human genetic material passed over into the vaccine.”2
It appears that Dr. McCarthy’s warnings should have been heeded. Studies are now indicating that the years 19885 and 19951 are change point years, showing exact periods where the rate of autism accelerated. If the theory holds, then 2002 should show itself as a change point year, since that was the first year for the introduction of the hepatitis A vaccines. Ironically, Andrew Wakefield and his team predicted, “If there is a causal link between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and this syndrome (autism), a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the UK in 1988.”12
It is unfortunate that this latest work in support of vaccines has left this important issue out of the discussion. The possibility of vaccines having a genetic causal link to the rise in autism spectrum disorders is more than “tenuous”.6 As long as this theory is not part of any discussion about the harms from vaccines; it puts more children at risk with each injection. The Vatican has spoken out against the use of fetal cells, the EPA has now looked into the issue, and the scientific community is now studying the link. If Mr. Mnookin is going to hire himself out to speak in support of these poisons, then he needs to look into this issue deeper.
10. Stephenson, R. W. (1948). Chiropractic Textbook. Davenport, Iowa: The Palmer School of Chiropractic.
11. United States Food and Drug Administration. (2010, October updated 20). Vaccines Licensed for Immunization and Distribution in the US with Supporting Documents. Retrieved from
12. Wakefield, A. J., Murch, S. H., Anthony, A., Linnell, J., Casson, D. M., Malik, M., et al. (1998). Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. The Lancet, 637-641.